
Thetemporalbonesaresituatedatthesidesandbaseoftheskull,andlateraltothetemporallobesofthecerebralcortex.,Thetemporalboneisdividedanatomicallyintofourparts:thesquamous,thetympanic,themastoid,andthepetrousparts(thelasttwopartsarecalled ...,KeyFeatures:Squamous,petrous,tympanic,andmastoidparts,styloidprocess,mandibularfossa,andzygomaticandmastoidprocesses.ArticulatesWith:Parietal ...,2024年5月11日...

Temporal bone

The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull, and lateral to the temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex.

Temporal Bone

The temporal bone is divided anatomically into four parts: the squamous, the tympanic, the mastoid, and the petrous parts (the last two parts are called ...

Temporal Bone

Key Features: Squamous, petrous, tympanic, and mastoid parts, styloid process, mandibular fossa, and zygomatic and mastoid processes. Articulates With: Parietal ...

Temporal bone

2024年5月11日 — Gross anatomy. The temporal bone is divided into several main parts/portions 1-3: squamous part (temporal squama); petrous part ...

Temporal bone

2019年11月8日 — The temporal bone surrounds the ears and protects nerves and structures that play a role in controlling hearing and balance. Sound enters the ...

Temporal bone

An irregularly shaped bone, the temporal bone protects the temporal lobe of the brain, the cranial nerves that pass through it, as well as the middle ear and ...

Temporal Bone

2022年10月10日 — Structure & Location. In anatomy, each temporal bone is composed of five parts: the squama, the petrous, mastoid, and tympanic parts, as well as ...

Temporal bone: Anatomy, parts, sutures and foramina

They are highly irregular bones with extensive muscular attachments and articulations with surrounding bones. There are a number of openings and canals in the temporal bone through which structures enter and exit the cranial cavity. The temporal bone also

The Temporal Bone - Parts

2022年12月15日 — The temporal bone itself is comprised of five constituent parts. The squamous, tympanic and petromastoid parts make up the majority of the bone, ...